Thursday, July 16, 2009

times square~

lol..last sunday me,genny and eddy went to times square!!! actually...for a anime exibition..but....LISA DEAR THREW THE PAPER AWAY WHEN I WENT TO JAPAN!!! oh my gosh!!!~~~so we went there exibition we had nothing to do and walked around the mall laughing at ppl and tagging around....after that we went to the 4th floor kos got anime shops..after seeing them..we all had this strange emotion and we all went to COSMOS WORLD!!! ah haha...genny had not enuf cash so edd had to lend her some..and THE TICKETS WERE LIKE SO EXP KIA~ rm37 1 person( my poket $ for a week ) and so...we went in...we first went for the lame rides before we hit the hard core ones..and also we met a new fwen..matthew ..hes from aus the time we knew it we kinda over did it with 8 rides..after that all of us felt like puking...edd was as pale as a ghost by then..after dad went to pick us up...when he saw us in our dying state he laughed and brought us to starbucks FOR DRINKS!! YAAAAY~ then eddy had a big cuppa hot chocolate and me and gen had my all time no1# fav VANILLA ICE BLENDED!! ah hahha...after that we went to ss2 punya hawker centre to makan..and edd did not eat all...lols after the next day all of us had pains all over our body...ah haha serve us right...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

tags by edmund...

1. Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?~my cheek
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?normal...lols
3. Who was the last person/people you took photo with?* eddy and genevieve
4. Would you consider yourself spoilt?* i think so
5. Will you ever donate blood?* YEP!! ORGANS TOO
6. Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?* Yup..plenty
7. Do you want someone to be dead?* hell yeah~and alot of them
8. What does your last message say?* erm..dun rmb
9. What are you thinking right now?* thinking about all the homework i have
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?~hell.. YES!!11.
What was the time you went to bed last night?* 11 somthing
12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?*JAPAN!!
13. Is someone in your mind right now?* hell yeah
14. Who was the last person who text you?* chia chia

Tag 10 "lucky" people do this quiz.
` chia` justin` piew tiek gor gor` alloy` shaun` darren leong` ashton` gilbert` meself` any1 hu's bored
15. Who is number two (justin ) having a relationship with?* he is SINGLE i think..
16. Is number three (piew tiek) a male or female?* MALE LAH! abudan..hes my brother for petes sake...
17. If number 7 (ashton) and number 1 (chia) get together will it be good?* lol..i dono if they will even know each other
18. What is number 1 (chia) studying?* the stuff which is AS SAME AS ME
19. Is number 4 (alloy) single?* nope...he off the market..
20. Say something about number 6 (darren leong)* he,is a very very do you say..iresponsible...LOLX the chips lols
21. What you think of number 3 (piew tiek) and number 6 (darren leong)being together?* ...uhm...
22. Describe number 9 (myself)* i love me!!
23. Do you like number 8 (gilbert)?* LOLX HES MY STEP cousin for petes sake!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a taste of hell...

in the class...some of us were praying so hard for good grades...some of us were very confident about your grades...including me..


but that was the big mistake i made.....


when my mom saw my red stained marks...and heard the teachers complains


i got gena marah of cause...and she brought me to cut me hair...until so short..i look so strange..


WILL THIS DAY GET ANY WORSE?!?!?~~ thats what was in my head the whole day....


thats till when dad got home..i taught..that i was dead...


HOWEVER!! thank GOD nothing happen!!
